Invite a user

To access member-only parts of your app, invite your customers to the particular location.

Updated this week

Each location can have an unlimited number of users invited. There are several ways to invite users to the location.

For inviting users to your location, administrators have to collect the following info:

  • First name

  • Last name (optional)

  • Email

  • Phone number

Individual Invite

Send individual invitations by following the steps below:

  1. Open the Community page and press Invite User in the top right corner.

  2. Fill in the details and press Send Invitation. The user will receive an email to activate the account. If no email comes, ask them to check the Spam folder.

Send individual invite on Spacebring's coworking space management platform

Membership Request Approval

Users can request to join a location or invite workmates. New users open your app and tap the Request to join button. When there's a new request to join a location, administrators receive a notification. Review membership requests by following the steps below:

  1. Open Community > Requests.

  2. Select the pending request to join.

  3. Press Approve or Reject. In either case, a user will be notified of your decision.

    Company members can invite their workmates via the Membership > Members page under their company name.

How a user gets an invitation

When an administrator sends the invitation, the user receives it via email with the Get Started button on it.

If a user follows a link from the Get Started button within 24 hours from the invitation time, they are logged into the app automatically without any verification required.

If users join the app later, they are asked to proceed with the regular login procedure.

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