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Add users' and companies' billing details
Add users' and companies' billing details
Updated over a week ago

Add billing details of your customers (e.g., VAT number, address) to the app for invoices and receipts customization.


Administrators can add the company or user billing details by following these steps:

  1. Go to Community > select a user or a company.

  2. Press the (...) menu top right > select Edit.

  3. Fill in the "Billing Details" field and tap Save.


Members can edit their billing details for the location to which they belong.

  1. Users go to the Locations > Membership page > Settings under the "Personal" section.

  2. Fill in the "Billing Details" field.

Company managers

Company managers add the billing details of their company following these steps:

  1. The company manager goes to Locations > Membership > Settings under the section with their company name.

  2. Fill in the "Billing Details" field.


Nonmembers can edit their billing details after the first purchase or booking through the app (basically, to be able to edit billing details, an external user has to become a nonmember):

  1. Nonmembers go to Locations > Membership page > Settings under the "Personal" section.

  2. Fill in the "Billing Details" field.

The changes to billing details are saved automatically and apply to all newly generated receipts and invoices.

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