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Share and upload users' contracts
Share and upload users' contracts
Updated over a week ago

It often happens when you need to upload the agreement, which all users must sign, or attach the user's individual contract. Your app covers the following use cases:

  • Uploading the general agreement which all app users must sign.

  • Sharing the contract with your customer.

  • Uploading a copy of the individual contract and sharing it with your team.

Upload the general agreement

If you require all your app users to agree to the general rules in the space, add this text to the Terms of Use. When any new app user joins the app, they sign your Terms of Use, and cannot proceed further without this step.

Your users will be able to view the agreement in the Terms of Use at any time and accept it upon joining the app.

Use the in-built Chats in your app to send the contracts to your users to e-sign the contract through your app. Users can open your attached document from the web app, add a signature online, and communicate with you about it in a single chat.

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