Edit a subscription
Updated over a week ago

How to edit a subscription

If you'd like to edit a subscription, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Locations > Community and select a user/company.

  2. Open their profile and locate the "Subscription" section. Press on the active subscription and make your changes.

  3. Press Save.

What you can edit

  • You can select a different plan as long as it has the same period as the current one. Changing the subscription period is not possible.

  • You can change the subscription's "Start Date" only if it has yet to start.

  • You can change the subscription's "End Date" or manage the "End Renewal" property.

  • All changes to the "Plan", "Discounts", "Pay with invoice" and "Access" sections take effect immediately.

  • Changes to the "Room assignment" and "Desk assignment" sections take effect immediately and influence the room and desk assignment and the Occupancy page.

  • Any changes to the "Credits" and "Payment" sections take effect starting the next subscription period.

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